Houseplant Repotting Service

Houseplant Repotting Service

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Quantity must be 1 or more

Are you ready to repot your houseplant but not sure what you're doing, don't have space, or need some help? Let us help! Bring your plant in and we'll do the hard work for you. 

Repotting appointments are scheduled for a full hour. Your repot may take less time if it is smaller. Repotting services for large plants or a larger quantity of plants may go over the allotted time. If this is the case, we will request that you drop the plants off and we will call you when the plants are ready for pick up. If you must cancel, please cancel your booking at least 2 hours prior to your appointment time. 

At the time of booking, we require a $5 deposit to hold your spot. This deposit will be put towards the repotting fee. Fees are assessed at the time of the appointment once the plant(s) has been brought in for the service. The repotting fee is dependent on the size and complexity of the plant. For basic repots, it is $1 for every inch of diameter of the pot size. If the plant has additional requirements, such as a complex staking situation or separating a plant into several different pots, there may be an additional fee. Any pots or planting accessories (such as a moss pole) you purchase for this plant must also be paid for at the time of the appointment.

We have a size limit on certain plants. We do not repot any plants in pots larger than 12". Some exceptions apply, please speak with a member of our staff to see if your larger plant is eligible.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Sheryl C
Saved my semi frozen plant from Aunt

This service was a life saver for me. My aunt gave me a plant and I left outside in the cold too long. It had been in a greenhouse. Nicely repotted and is indoor under a grow light to have a chance to survive. I will be returning for repotting of my other plants. Repotting fee is reasonable and affordable and great service.

Thanks for the kind words Sheryl! We're glad to have saved this plant for you. Looking forward to helping with more repotting projects in the future. (: